Sunday, February 17, 2013

Lunches and the Lunch Crock Pot

I have had many people ask what I do for lunch daily as a lot of people are used to making a sandwich every day.  Even before Paleo I have always been an "eat the leftovers" gal so moving to Paleo was no different. 

For 5 years I brought leftovers in a plastic container similar to the ones you get lunch meat in, and ate it cold.  It was what it was. 

A few weeks ago, however, a friend mentioned seeing the funniest thing on a coworkers desk  - a lunch crock pot. 

Wait, what??  I needed this!  A bit of googling and found the one above on Amazon (At the time $16, the price fluctuates back up to $20 here and there depending on color). 

Pictured is leftover Beef Stroganoff Soup.  I arrive to work around 9:30am, get settled in, plug my crockpot in and everything is piping hot by Noon!  I have had cold lunches for years since my workplace never had a microwave, but this thing became the best present to myself EVER!

The insert comes out so you can carry it back and forth from home, and the base you can leave at work.  I tend to be protect of my stuff so just keep it in my tote bag and carry back and forth every day.

So if lunches are still a little bit of a stress for you, just make a little extra at dinner, put it away in the fridge in your lunch crock pot, and heat and enjoy the next day! 

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